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October 14, 2020


Emotional intelligence is the ability to correctly recognize your emotions as well as the emotions of those around you and to respond appropriately to them. Emotionally intelligent people are capable of communicating in a more efficient and constructive way. It evolves out of a realization and an awareness about yourself, your emotions and the surroundings.


Within a few years, our workforces will be dominated largely by millennials. They possess a greater understanding of sensitive issues, more acceptance, mindfulness and emotional intelligence and will cause a shift in the way leaders used to run the organization. Gen X and Baby boomers believed that emotions should never be a part of the business. However, millennials do not agree with this. They believe that emotional intelligence is crucial and that emotions play an important role in the organization.

Millennials grew up with working parents and were raised to be independent. They were the first ones to experience the growth and change of the internet era. Claims like millennials are bad at communicating due to the emergence of social media or that they don’t care about social issues are huge misconceptions. They have proven to incorporate more mindfulness into their leadership as well as be more emotionally intelligent.

Although the term ‘emotional intelligence’ was coined a while back, it seems to have resurged exclusively during the millennial era. What caused a change in this generation of people?

  • Millennials are less tolerant towards unjust acts: Millennials talk about issues rather than just sweeping them under the carpet. They stand with people who simply choose to be who they are and don’t tolerate any unjust acts. They are vocal about social issues on platforms like facebook and twitter and provide emotional support to anyone that needs it. This simply enhances their emotional intelligence.
  • Millenials are more vocal about their problems: People do respond emotionally to situations around us, but millennials are vocal about these issues and express their concerns and views either on the internet, or in person. They stand up for who they are. They talk about the problems they face emotionally and have come to normalize seeking professional help, counselling and mental health problems. Their awareness toward mental health has increased greatly.which has almost eradicated the stigma we once faced with regards to it.
  • They seek purpose: Millennials do not wish to work a meaningless job in exchange for money all their life. They rather want to create something or add meaning to the lives of others. They want to bring about change and make a difference in the world. They want to find a purpose in things they do and contribute to the bigger picture.

Millennials are inquisitive, relentless and ambitious. They strive for flexibility and purpose in their work and leadership. The resurgence of emotional intelligence in the millennial era has brought about a change in the way the society functions and a hope for a better, more secure and humane future.

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