Udayan Shalini Fellowship derives its name from conjoining two Sanskrit words “Udayan '' and “Shalini” meaning eternal sunrise and a dignified woman respectively. The key objective of Udayan Shalini Care is to provide financial support to deserving but needy girl students from government and government aided schools to enable them to continue their education and provide individual attention, counseling and grooming through personalized mentoring to assure their overall mental, moral and overall development. Niraalee Shah has collaborated with Udyaan Shalini to deliver online training to the shalinis on her module Campus to Corporate and Grooming Workshops. This helps theShalini’s in a smooth transition from Campus to Corporate, by empowering them with the right core skills required in the corporate world.
Bhikhe nahi pan, Bhanva Jaiye.
They say that children are the true wealth of a prosperous nation. In the future, it is the children who will strengthen society. With a firm belief in this very ideology, and under the guidance of Mrs. Usha Agarwal, the SSSK charitable trust was founded 8+ years ago. Ever since its inception, the SSSK has been working tirelessly to help those forgotten children by providing them the ability to become independent with a strong base of education. SSSK has today taken under its wings 56 children to give them the strong foundation of education.